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11-26-12, 06:08 PM   #12
A Frostmaul Preserver
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 269
Good evening Phanx,

I am pretty sure I didn't. I didn't log out and back in, I just reloaded the UI...or maybe I didn't save after I pasted the code (that would be embarrassing). Additionally, Dridzt's method and my method still have the same source of garbage build-up, but Semlar's solution is 100% perfect. I am still embarrassed that I didn't event notice the GeneralDockManager() frame, or that I didn't think of re-parenting the tabs to my own frame, and hiding that -- either would be better than hooking and rewriting the method for EVERY tab.

EDIT: I used Dridzt's code as is, but I debugged MY code, which uses ADDON_LOADED, and that was executing the for loop more than once, so admittedly I didn't cover every base.

EDIT_2: I just tested the simple GeneralDockManager:Hide() method with a pet battle, and the GeneralDockManager, as well as CharFrame11Tab remain suppressed, so I don't think I'll need to change the show method for the GeneralDockManager, or deal with the ChatFrame11Tab at all. What an elegant solution.

Last edited by Clamsoda : 11-26-12 at 06:14 PM.
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