Thread: RealUI
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03-30-13, 02:16 AM   #896
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 3
Sorry to hear that Nib. Hope things will turn around for you soon.
Been using realUI for quite some time now and i gotta say it is THE best around.
Couple of things I've been meaning to ask:

1. Ever thought of going from Grid to Grid2?
Memory usage is lower and it's easier to config.

2. Raven offers a logarithmic CD display via the "timeline" mode.
Integration/usage could be optional

3. Buff display for Raids
Raid essential buffs (Fortitude etc.) could be top center screen with buffs missing greyed out.
Auras etc still on the right.

Keep up the awesome work as long as you still have fun doin it.
More importantly: try to stay in good health no matter what