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06-15-14, 01:25 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 2
Transparency of Tracked Mob Paths

I love Carbonite to the point where I don't think I could play WoW without it.
So thank-you Rythal for keeping this add on working.

I'm using version 5.4.2-Alpha-5.

The issue I wanted to ask about has to do with transparency of Tracked Mobs from _NPC Scan.

I actually have both the round mini map up and a rectangle map of carbonite next to it. I'm a map nut, and I like the zoomability of Carbonite map, and the constant zoom in area of the WoW map, so I've grown to like having them both up.

I have _NPC Scan overlay set to the mid point on transparency and on the Wow mini map this never changes - it always stays 50%. However, in the Carbonite map, when I toggle to show paths, the mob areas match the transparency setting until I move to a different named area on a map, at which point the mob zones go to a solid color (i.e. in Valley of the Four Winds, going from Half-Hill area to Gilded Fan (area where "Sele'na" is in)). The solid color completely blocks the map, such that in some zones the map is virtually worthless. I've gotten to where I keep the tracked mob feature off except when I need it. I'd like to keep it up all the time, but since some zones are so heavy with rares (Timeless being the "worst") I have it off more than on.

Is there a setting I need to change? I wonder if this is strictly an NPC scan issue, but the reason I ask here, is that the overlay color change is on the Carbonite map - not the Wow map. Again the change from transparency to solid is very definitely tied to crossing boundaries of named areas on a map.

Does anyone else experience this?