Thread: RealUI
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07-11-14, 08:43 AM   #3518
A Black Drake
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Posts: 83
Originally Posted by paulfunyan View Post
still can't loot without reloading... any help? it's really annoying and while i like realui it's not worth putting up with this
This really sounds like an issue with another addon. I strongly doubt that RealUI is causing this issue. I've been using RealUI for awhile now, and I haven't ever seen an issue similar to yours. At one point, I was using XLoot instead of RealUI's looting feature, but I was experiencing issues seeing the Bonus Loot roll window so I reverted back to just using RealUI's looting. However, never experienced an issue similar to yours.
I recommend disabling all addons except RealUI to see if the issue still occurs. If it doesn't, then start enabling one addon at a time to find which addon is causing the issue. If disabling all addons but RealUI does fix the issue, then I recommend reinstalling RealUI and see if that helps. If the issue persists, you should consider completely removing your Interfaces and WTF folders (CAUTION: will remove all addons and settings and you will need to reset, so back up first).