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09-20-06, 12:09 PM   #2
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 5
I have not seen this in a Friends List format... but here is what I think might work. All of your friends would need to have the addon to be seen, but then I guess it could be set to broadcast over channels based on your name and search for all names on your buddy list. For example:

Your username is Derrick and you have a player named Kerrick and one named Werrick on your friends list. All of them have the addon installed.

The addon takes your username and broadcasts it to the channel FMDerrick. Your friends are broadcast in the channels FMKerrick and FMWerrick. The addon sees the name Kerrick and Werrick on your friends list and so it looks for the channels FMKerrick and FMWerrick.

It would transmit over your channel a command relaying the Map you are on and the Coordinates. (It could also send things like level, class, etc, but I don't see why this is important as you can see that from your friends list.) Your friend's Addon sees that over this channel and translates the information. For example, Kerrick's addon would see:
[20. FMDerrick]: Elwynn Forest 56,22

It takes the map your friend is on, finds those coordinates, and if those coordinates are on your friend's MiniMap it would display a blip. It could probably be the same as the Group blip but Blue or something. Your coordinates would have to be transmitted pretty often (every three to five seconds) and the locations wouldn't be completely accurate, but it could be done.

A major problem might be that this would be a pretty heavy addon, as it would be sending and reading messages pretty constantly.

I don't have the coding know-how to do this though... could someone tackle this or is it too much fluff?
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