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02-27-15, 11:52 AM   #20
Premium Member
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 135
So, another browser

I'm on a different machine in my house, tho of similar vintage, and the same OS. This machine I use Firefox, because I'm rarely on WoW on this machine. In the last 45 minutes, I've had the browser completely interrupt what I was doing (perusing the NYT site for articles about Leonard Nimoy, who died this morning), to bring me back to one of the two WoW Interface pages I have open, and complain about a script running too long, do I want to stop it?

This is the first bit of the incredibly long line identifying the script in the pop-up that asks:

I just told it to stop bothering me with it.

It's not just Opera.

ETA: Despite my telling it not to bother me again, and my manually clicking the little stop sign to stop loading, these pages are *continually* restarting a load of something. ANd asking me again. I presume because the script name is different. I also presume it's the ads changing over. I really don't like ad-blockers - if I'm on a site as much as I'm on wow interface and wowhead, and I'm not paying, I *want* them to get *some* money. I can't afford a membership right now. I'd gotten one originally because of the problems with the ads on the browsers. :/ My apologies, this is a bit of a personal rant, but I do feel it's relevant - you need your money, I *want* to do what I can, but at the level where it interferes with normal functionality it becomes something that needs to be reported, even if the answer is 'not my circus, not my monkey, not my problem.'

Last edited by Barleduq : 02-27-15 at 12:00 PM. Reason: more info
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