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03-21-16, 06:32 PM   #10
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by myrroddin View Post
Yep, very blurry, which I was afraid might happen. Since SetPoint does take x, y as arguments, and most of the arguments are optional except for the first, couldn't you so something like:
Lua Code:
  1. -- if you want height/width
  2. myFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 100, 200)
  3. myFrame:SetHeight(myAddOn:PixelPerfect(150))
  4. myFrame:SetWidth(myAddOn:PixelPerfect(300))
  6. -- might have to also run fonts through PixelPerfect?
Yes, I am testing this myself, but still building the code. To do earlier testing, I wrote a test AddOn that isn't truly useful, other than testing purposes.

Oh, and Nev, it might be nutty of me, but I am okay with generality, seeing how this lib was really for myself back in the day. I brought it out of mothballs, found it wasn't working, got it fixed with pointers and suggestions from these forums, and made it public.

On the other hand, if people want PixelPerfect and VisualData (they go hand in hand) split out, I can certainly do that instead.
I think the width and height values should be integers too, i'm not even sure if SetWidth and SetHeight can accept floats like SetPoint, never tried it.

About the FontStrings i could not found a solution yet. When a frame is movable and you move it around sometimes some of the fontstrings jiggle around 1-1 pixels and i have no clue why. And when you stop the moving/sizing that fontstring will get saved to that jiggled offset position.

It's weird tho, because the default blizzard frames like the player frame does not have this issue. Could be because of the xml definitions?
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