Thread: GUI's
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05-27-05, 10:40 AM   #21
Credendo Vides
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If you are willing to release your source code for us to check, we're always more than willing to host things that are of benefit to the modding community. We have a "general" policy against .exe .vbs, etc in regular mods, but even there, if the author is willing to provide us with their code, we will consider making exceptions to the general rule. Something like this, there is no question of whether we'd allow it, given the stipulation about letting us check your code.

It isn't that we figure most folks would do anything malicious, but the unfortunate reality is that some do. That's why the "general" policy is in place. It's protection for the users of the site, protection for you the mod authors, as we can prove beyond doubt that any thing that goes wrong (virus, key logger, even something like undocumented "easter eggs") with someone computer is not the fault of your mod, and it's protection for ourselves, same idea.

And the other reality is that most end-users see a .exe and almost auto-assume that there is going to be a virus or some such and just refuse to use it (which is actually the better choice in most cases). We like to be able to definitely verify for ourselves that anything available from our sites are "clean", and folks know that from having used our sister sites for years, so folks trust that anything coming from here is clean.

Trust you can understand that.

Having a "Developers' Tools" section is something we've considered before, there just hasn't been a call for it on our site as of yet. We certainly have no objection to adding one.

(And yeah, obviously it won't be me checking the code. )

/edit I also want to, personally, say thank you to all of you for the time you are taking to try to help me get my head around this stuff. It is appreciated, I am still reading it, I just have some other things at the moment that are taking up my time and attention (sick daughter, to be exact), so I'm not actually able to start trying to work my way through the info you are providing. I just wanted to add that, so you knew that my lack of responses to the thread all of a sudden wasn't lack of interest or some such. I just don't have the time right now to try practical application. I'll definitely start spamming you guys again though, when I do.

Last edited by Cairenn : 05-27-05 at 11:01 AM.
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