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10-01-18, 06:13 PM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 106

When I've wanted to preload some item data in the past I've called GetItemInfo and ignored the return value. Then when you get the GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED event, the data should be there. I just noticed there's an alternate API C_Item.RequestLoadItemDataByID and it triggers a different event: ITEM_DATA_LOAD_RESULT.

The 2 events appear to have the same payload and indicate the same thing, just that they were initiated by a different API call. Does anyone know if there's any real difference?

I tried some timings and there wasn't a significant difference between GetItemInfo and RequestLoadItemDataByID. If there's no difference I'd probably go with RequestLoadItemDataByID since it's more self-documenting and as a new(er) API is likely to be supported for a longer time.
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