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12-31-18, 05:28 PM   #4
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 159
Academically, and as I know it, Blizzard allows "one key press = one action, per one client, of one to many clients" regardless how the "key press" made it to the "one client (of many)". That reasoning allows multiboxing.

For example I could run 3 copies WoW on the same machine, run an external, 3rd party application that switches between the WoW clients and sends them keystrokes (yes, really) and Blizzard is happy, as long as (1) I am physically present and (2) each keystroke input received by each WoW client is the result of one physical key press.

Yes I could not believe it either. There is so much scope there for abuse it defies belief.

Happy New Year everyone.
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