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06-22-05, 09:12 PM   #1
Credendo Vides
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WoWInterface Admin
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Update about the Mods being sold on eBay

As many of you will remember, on 25 May we posted about a person selling mods on eBay:


It has been brought to our attention that someone(s) are selling UI Mods on eBay. Okay, that in and of itself is bad enough, but ... an even larger problem lies in the fact that they are selling other people's work, not their own. Mondinga (GypsyMod) has been informed directly, as his mod is clearly visible in the screenshot provided, but this is a general warning to all mod authors that someone(s) may be selling your work.

If I can ever remember my blasted eBay account login, I intend to buy a copy of the CD myself, so we can positively identify which mod authors are being ripped off and let them know. However, in the meantime (since damned if I can remember it), we wanted to post this as a general warning.

The sale can be seen here (link removed, no longer applicable). The one linked is expired, but where someone has done it once and gotten away with it (they think), it'll be done again.

The original posting of that may be seen here

As an update to that, I was finally able to remember my login, and was thus able to purchase one of these CDs myself. The mod authors and various companies that are effected by this are:

Kithador, Zashir, Cide & TS, Norganna, Lindz, Azaziel, Smugglis, Xantor, Madorin, Rowne, Cosmos Team, Vector, Dhargo, Kwraz, Telo, SirBender, Madorin, Mugendai, Vjeux, Torgo, Dylan Wolf, Avara, Sarf, Visionsary, Cragganmore, Nathanmx, Elzix, Balamaf, Merphle, Matthew Cox, Mondinga, Kaitlin, David Hedbor, Rosten & AnduinLothar & Wulph, Geowar, Tivoli, Saien, DmgInc. Iriel, Lindz, Micah, Thott, Brodrick, Meog, Miron, CapnBry, Kithador, Ryuketsu, Mugendai.

Blizzard Entertainment and TeamSpeak Systems. Also, eBay & PayPal, since the person is using their sites to perform these sales.

A detailed listing of the actual contents of the CD may be found here.

Effected Mod Authors, representatives of Blizzard Entertainment, TeamSpeak Systems, eBay and PayPal, please contact one of the Site Admins for admittance to a private forum where you may coordinate with the others what actions, if any, you wish to take against this person.

Everyone else that wishes to discuss it, please go here.

Last edited by Cairenn : 06-25-05 at 10:08 PM.
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