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06-13-07, 03:35 AM   #224
A Cyclonian
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 42
Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
Maxian, I don't typically run long scripts in macros. That's the code I use for the hotspot. I'd try entering it all on one line.

Detritus, that does indeed look interesting. I'd love to have something that isn't as resource intensive as KTM. Is that add-on ready in prime-time for high-end raids?
It's looking pretty close but is still in Beta. My main concern about it at the moment is that it does not feed threat values to KTM, it only reads values from KTM. I'm my guild's MT and I'm a little nervous about taking it on a raid in case my threat doesn't get recorded properly by those using KTM. Still, I'd like to give it a try so I'll check with my guild and try and use it on the next raid. I'm going offline for a while soom, so I'll not be able to get to you for a week or so.

EDIT: Just read the following on the Omen forums...
Originally Posted by Demmin View Post
Just wondering... What do you predict the ETA will be for OMEN to be officialy out of beta and gold? 1 month? 3 months? 6 months? Just a rough guess would be nice.

A few weeks of testing should see it out of beta, provided nothing major goes wrong.
Looks promising.

Last edited by Detritus : 06-14-07 at 04:08 PM.