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09-22-07, 05:17 PM   #1
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 5
Unhappy Trouble with Bongos and Cycircled

I cannot get the cycircled skins on Bongos2, even though the addon is listed as being supported by cycircled. I have the 49421 Ace2 revision, the 8/15/07 version of Bongos2, and the 49045 revision of cycircled. (Ace2 and cycircled are listed as being updated yesterday on wowace.) The cycircled addon shows as being loaded, and I even have the menu, but it doesn't skin anything. (Bongos works fine, btw)

In addition, I am also running xperl and a slightly older (and very functional!) version of autobar.

I also tried getting cycircled to skin the version of Bartender3 as is present on this site as a test, and it doesn't work for bartender either. Can someone help me? I would really like to get Bongos and cycircled working, and I don't understand what is interfering with the addon.

I'm grateful for any help I get on this.
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