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11-13-07, 02:39 PM   #37
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 5
I'd like to point out that regardless of everyone's feelings towards the OP. This mod DOES exist. If you are interested in the search effort and/or recreation of this mod by all means please help.

look at pigvomit's 1v2 arena video filmed at the beginning of season 2

I would link the thread where pigvomit (hoove from blackrock now) identifies the mod and declares it a private addon, but the forums seem to be failing on patch day.

Lastly on this, if you go to his rupture information (which conveniently inventories his addons) you can see the magictrack addon installed.

My LUA coding knowledge is zero, but from what you can see here, this information can be gathered from the client for such things as counterspell, spell lock, divine shield, spell interrupt warnings etc.

if anyone has any direction on this subject your help would be greatly appreciated
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