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04-09-08, 01:22 PM   #376
A Cliff Giant
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 78
Originally Posted by the_comedian View Post
Modded all the mods, updated all the updates, reset all the settings. Everything is working peachy, tyvm.

Stupid question: Does anyone know the "proper" settings to manually configure cfilter and / or witchhunt to replicate the way that mazzle / 2.3 *used* to work?

It looks to me like the best way is to disable witchhunt (as it doesn't provide much info in combat now), and set cfilter for incoming (to me) to chat 6 and outgoing (from me) to chat 7.

Even then, I get an amazingly, spammingly, unreadabley amount of text pouring into chat 6 and 7 during combat.

Anyone got a good batch of settings for cfilter to as-close-as-possibly replicate the old 2.3 settings?
As best as I've been able to figure out so far window six gets you and your pet as the source. Window seven gets you and your pet as the destination. All other boxes on this tab are empty. The next tab for both windowsis basically everything checked. I'll try to get a better writeup for it later...

Originally Posted by Tokugawa View Post
I have updated so much. I am not sure what has broken it.

My Combo Points are no longer showing up on side of the HUD.

I can add combo points in DUF, but it is not the same. Any idea what add-on between mazzle and detards add-on pack gave the combo points so I can enable them again.

Also the only other thing I have noticed is that after mazzlify

Aloft seems to lock on, I have to disable the addon to get regular nametags back.

I installed combat filter, but I can't find any documentation for creating rules to display to the 6th and 7th window, can someone point me to some documentation or give an example of how to configure it.

Also the one thing I haven't like about Mazzle, but yet I haven't looked into fixing in the context menu.. everytime I click on an item it closes. I have to reopen it to be able to click anything again.

So i started using LunarSphere instead.

I appreciate all the hard work you are putting into fixing this. If there is any testing I can do for you let me know.

Thanks in advance for the answers.
Do not mazzify w/ Aloft... It's kinda really broken now... The parts that do work are really resource intensive as well... The initial patchfiles I hope ot have out later this week will disable setup/usage for Aloft until it gets updated or removed/replaces all together.

Your combo points (I'm assuming you're talking about the ones on the HUD) are part of the Mazzle custom addons... Not sure why they aren't showing up but check the MazzleOptions.

See above response for CombatFilter setup (command is /cfilter)

Originally Posted by MaybeHoP View Post
For Nydas;

Look in your addons folder, you'll find that banzailib is gone. Go get it and put it back. Add it to the exclusion list in jwow and you should be good to go.
Both JWU and WAU are nice and delete libraries when they are no longer needed. Unfortunately, they don't check all addons, only the Ace ones... When the last Ace addon you have installed updated to LibBanzai-2.0 it removed BanzaiLib. I'm looking at making the switch for MazzleUI but haven't had much time to get to it yet.

Originally Posted by spiritwulf View Post
Most likely you have lost some dependencies or gained some files that are in direct conflict with other files in your addons.

This is why I DONT use Jwowupdater, its not very smart. It will arbitrarily change files it believes to be outdated or that it "thinks" there are better files that it can replace them with. It dosnt worry about if the file names have been changed or anything else. It dosnt take into account that there may be other files that have the old ones as a dependency. It will do fun things like say (just a hypothetical example) "look theres addon.2 but addon.3 is out now, since it is newer it is better lets delete addon.2 and use addon.3 instead". Another good example is the jostlelib folder being deleted and being replaced with libjostle. Any prog that is going to go in and make a decision on its own about what it will or will not delete/modify on its own with very little control on my part is not for me.

My final 2cents - if it aint broke dont fix it. Ive made a lot of changes to the mazzle ui package myself and go in and fix what needs to be fixed but there are a ton of things that ive dropped the handy .svn folder into simply because IT WORKS AS IS AND DOSNT NEED TO BE MESSED WITH. Sure, i keep an eye on these addons and when there is an update i will usualy test it out, thats what i keep a backup folder for. But for the most part as long as its working its gold to me. A good example is - i updated to bongos2 way back when 1 broke, it still works great and after a quick run through the options you can figure out how to use it and set it up easily. Havnt seen a thing in bongos3 that is a big enough imp for me to worry about updating to it. When 2 dies ill start worrying about setting up 3 lol.
It's actually a feature of both JWU and WAU to do that. I believe both have the same problem. Also, tagging addons w/ .svn flags is not a very good practice. When they make updates to mods, they do it for good reason.

There are many reasons to use Bongos3 over version two. The biggest is in how the bars are created. Bongos3 actually support an arbitrary nunber of arbitrarily sized bars. Bongos2 does not, bar size is fixed to 120/(number of bars). Which is a problem when trying to setup MazzleUI to play nice with it. Also, Bongos3 has an incredibly improved configuration UI and process. Under the hood version three is way better than any previous version. From a user standpoint, Bongos3 is a lot simpler to use, has more features and properly implements several things added to the WoW client in recent patches.

It's also easier for other developers to setup; even though that wasn't a design consideration.

Originally Posted by Nydas View Post
K. So after several hours of deleting all my add ons and starting fresh from scratch, ive gotten Mazzle working again. So far everything seems fine, but im getting this one error code. Not sure what it is.

2008/04/08 20:16:28-5-x1]: ...uc-Advanced\Modules\Auc-Util-SearchUI\SearchMain.lua:421: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil):
...uc-Advanced\Modules\Auc-Util-SearchUI\SearchMain.lua:421: in main chunk:
That's an auctioneer error... See if Norgana has a new version that fixes that bug.

Originally Posted by cag_dk View Post
I love MazzleUI!!! and despite the fact that the various libs had "dissappeared" when jWu-ing (figured out how to fix this) I hope that a new working version of MazleUI can be released soon.. 'cos when I make a new toon it takes me ½-1 hour to get UI working again.

I've installed Bongos2 and have to disable B2, enable B1 + autobar (along with some others that i don't use) just to get MazzleUI to mazzify.. and then I still need to reload UI 2-3 times, log out, dis-/en-able the reverse from before and mazzify AGAIN, then set up the various addons as I like it/have it on other toons

I have the rutine somewhat down by now, but it's STILL a pita having to do this EVERYTIME i make a new toon
I'm adding some version checking to a couple addons in my patch so this shouldn't happen.

Originally Posted by neoaj View Post

You'll need to edit .lua file otherwise it will not work.. Also make sure to disable the addons that will not work such as Witchhunt. SCT does not work as of yet, can not use Bongos 3 I believe.. Gotta be careful what you update and make sure the major lua files have all the updates..

You don't have to disable WitchHunt. Just the MazzleUI_Preloader for it. Instructions are in the OP.

SCT I haven't had a chance to verify yet but it may mazzify properly anyway.

Bongos3 will work better than Bongos2 would but it can't be mazzified at this time.

Originally Posted by Kadell View Post
Ok I completely deleted WoW and reinstalled it ... reinstalled Mazzle.. did all of the Changed to the CVar but I still get a Nil Value at Mazzle.lua 409 on the CVar ... I checked my spelling and still nothing
and now I also have Duf errors that I never had before
If you're still getting an error @409 you missed a cvar.... search the whole file for "UnitNamePlayer" to find the one you missed.

DUF errors may go away once that's fixed. Otherwise you may want to try out the newer DUF version linked to earlier in this thread around page thirty.
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