Thread: BloodyScreen
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04-14-08, 04:50 PM   #42
An Aku'mai Servant
earle117's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 35
Originally Posted by Sepioth View Post
Are you getting any errors when entering WoW??

Also when you type /BS it should actually show a random set of blood splatter on the screen under the options panel. Are you getting that?? (If your not seeing blood splatter on the options screen skip to below to fix the problem (hopefully)

On the options screen make sure that Disable BloodyScreen IS NOT checked.

Make sure at least on option to show the Blood is selected. Either Show on Combo Points or Show On Critical Hits... or even both.

Also make sure that either Enable PVP and/or Enable PVE are checked.

--- Below is for when you see no blood splatter on the options screen ---

If you don't see then blood splatter when you type /bs check the following:

Goto you addons folder for WoW.
Open the BloodyScreen folder.
There should be a "Textures Folder".
If not create a folder and name it Textures.
Drag the following files to the Textures folder you just created:
Splatter.blp, Splatter2.blp, Splatter3.blp, Splatter4.blp, Splatter5.blp

If you had to create a folder then you extracted the files from your file you downloaded wrong.

The easiest way to put an addon into your addon folder is to open your WoW addons folder and open the file in a seperate window. Drab the folders you see in the window to your WoW addons folder careful to not place it on a blank space in the window and not on another folder.

When you open a file the first folder visible usually says the name of the addon (or something close) If it says "Interface" or "Addons" the open those folders until you see a folder(s) named after the addon you downloaded.

The splatter behind the options box does appear.

I have it enabled for PvE and PvP, I have it set to crits (I'm a Warrior), however, I made a Rogue to see if it would splatter on combo points, and that didn't work either. And I don't have the "Disable BloodyScreen" box checked, so I'm still not sure what the problem is <(-_-)> I used to use this a while ago (pre 2.3) and it worked fine back then, so I'm not sure why the new version isn't working.
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