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07-13-08, 07:39 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Seer View Post
And a good day to all,

Quick question, does the pet bar problem also affect the Kara chess event ?
For the benefit of everyone who is reading over our shoulders, the "pet bar" problem is actually more widespread than is generally being reported. It isn't really a "pet bar" problem so much as it is a bar switching problem between four possible bar states: The pet bar, the warrior stance/druid shapeshift/rogue stealth bar, the possession bar (Eyes of the Beast/Eye of Kilrogg/Kara Chess event) and no bar at all.

The problem occurs when any one of these bars is shown or hidden while in combat. The "unit watch" fix suggested a couple of days ago works for toggling the pet bar on and off when you summon or dismiss a pet (mount, dismount, etc as well) but does not help with the shapeshift and possession bars.

Getting all four states to toggle in and out while in combat without tainting the execution thread is the hurdle I am facing now. So, the short answer to your question is yes, the pet bar problem also affects that Kara event and most severely if you are a warrior, druid, hunter, lock or rogue.

Love the mod so far, no major problems (Chess can be done with 9 easily, I just sit and watch :-p) for me at all, and no small ones either.
For the record, the Kara chess event action buttons should appear in your main action bar. If they don't because the possession bar tainted the code, sometimes pressing "Shift-2" and then "Shift-1" to swap action bars will fix it. Even if the icons on your action bar are wrong, the actions should still be right. If you know which buttons are supposed to be which, they should still work (move, attack, block, etc).

I know this bug is a huge PITA for everyone and I truely am doing my best to get it fixed as quickly as I can.

Maybe also a small suggestion, would it be possible to have the bar in the unit frames where the name is be used as a health (and/or mana) bar as wel ? Might make it a bit more readable then the way the healt/mana bars are displayed in the frames now.
I think I'm going to have to redesign how I do the main unit frames. This is something that just keeps coming up again and again. Personally, the entire reason for not having health and mana bars on those frames was that it allowed me to stack deep targeting in a relatively small area as well as shift the focus for health and mana up off the bottom of the dashboard into the center of the view screen where the action is occurring. But I guess some people just cannot get past not having the health and mana bars in the same place as the portrait.

I saw a mod that used vertical health and mana bars to the left and right of the unit portraits and liked the idea. I may borrow it. However, whatever course I take, my concern is that I'm adding yet another slew of calculated graphics elements which adds more burden to the game engine.

Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't thing.