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07-27-08, 12:40 AM   #238
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 106
I wish I could contribute right now, but money is tight here as well... we're my fiance and I are pushing it to just be able to play WoW, and there's a baby on the way in january, sooo...

That being said, everything sounds awsome with the UI. I hope everyone that can donate does, and if there is anything not pecuniary that I can do to help (I took 1 year of french, but I think that only qualifies me to tell people that the dog is under the table, the cat is on the chair, and the monkey is in the tree) I would gladly try to help. Oh, i can't really code either... damn, I'm not much use, am I?

Last edited by Ratheri : 07-27-08 at 05:45 AM.