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08-07-08, 07:38 PM   #372
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 131
Yamomma, Ok when deleting your SavVar from your WTF, yes it also means delete the .lua.bak.

Second extract ANY mods that you want to use into your addons folder. nUI will detect Omen2/recount/mobinfo etc automatically.

mob info is pretty easy. install it and let it go. It adds thing to the tooltip which allow you to see what loot the your target has dropped etc.

Spiel, I am not sure if u want to do this but could u add support for LibMobHealth 4.0 and LibQuickhealth. Both can be found on WoWAce

LibMobHealth adds the exact amount of health to your unitframes, party, target etc. and LibQuickhealth makes the unitframes get the data straight from the combat log so it is much more accurate and and the user can see the health loss/gain much quicker.

Those are just rough explainations.

Love your work. Looking Forward to beta2 and no matter how u make the frames, i bet it will still be amazing.