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08-18-08, 04:42 PM   #563
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 29
v2.00.04 inquiry:

I'm just curious if it was my setup, however, it appears that there is no indication as to whether or not a mob is elite (aside from tooltips). I ran into this problem while AoE grinding near a Manaforge where I was handily tanking 6 belf vindicators until the Arcane Patrol bot thingie jumped into the fray. I thought to myself, "eh ... not elite, I can hang". Needless to say, the bot was in fact super-uber and proceeded to blast this poor belf tankadin to smithereens (to the immense amusement of several alliance who were standing around surveying the spectacle). *hangs head in shame*

Maybe if the border or background of the unit frames some obnoxious shade of warning I might've been more inclined to cut & run ... If there is one, could someone point it out so I can be more aware of it? *grin*