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09-12-13, 06:53 PM   #1
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 33
LF xmog-set-name addon, or WH-link addon

I'm wanting something to help me decide what gear to keep and what to vendor, based on what gear set it goes with. Does such an addon exist, and if not, is someone willing to code it? At least, that's the end result of this wall of text, and I figured I should start with the end so people reading the preview know what I'm looking for.

What was doing before today was:
-- do quest, be presented with a piece of gear.
-- say to self, 'self, will I want to keep this gear for xmog purposes later?'
-- tab to WH, type in name of gear item, load page, see if the gear is part of a set/recolor/lookalike/etc, mouse over to get the whole image, and decide.

This is slightly time consuming which makes it annoying. So I searched these forums with some keywords about 'gear' 'link' 'transmog' and found a post which directed me to MogIt which turns my process into:
-- get a piece of gear
-- self, will I want to keep this?
-- open MogIt, type in name of gear, shift-rightclick to get WH link, past WH link, see if part of set, mouse for image, decide.

So really........ not much different.

1: If I could really dream big about what sort of addon would do what I want, I would say:
I mouse over a piece of gear (in my bags, equipped on my character, a tooltip/link in a chat, etc), and the tooltip contains the name of the set that this piece of gear is a part of (if applicable, of course). I press a certain key combo (say, shift-ctrl-while-mousever), and get a popup image of what the completed set of gear would look like (not necessarily on my specific race/class combo; a 'generic' image like WH does would be fine), along with the name of that set. Probably not feasible because of whatever large quantity of images would have to be stored.

2: If I were to be slightly more realistic about what an addon can do but still have it do what I want, I would say:
I mouse over a piece of gear, and the tooltip contains the name of the set that this piece of gear is a part of. Clicking(-left/right) while holding a key combo would generate a copyable Wowhead link to that set. Perhaps-feasible because I think the addon would mostly boil down to 'have a large table-thing that lists all the WH IDs of the sets and sub-lists all the Item IDs of the gear pieces that are components.' This way, the tooltip containing the name of the set (if applicable) would at least let me learn what sets I do and don't want and can decide quite quickly to keep or vendor.

3: Barring both of the above: Can I just, say, shift-ctrl-left/rightclick to get the popup of a copyable Wowhead link to the item that I am currently mousing over (or viewing a link ie in a chat)? This would still end up with me having a hundred WH tabs open but it would save all the typing, and for things like lfr/normal/heroic gear looking different, would save time because it would take me to the correct page for the item I actually have. Probably most feasible since item ID is readily available in-game, all the addon would do is pre-pend the WH link formula.
(Sort of like this only it would generate the WH link from the user clicking on the tooltip of the piece of gear.)

Does an addon like this already exist? I'd be surprised if something like '3' doesn't, I feel like a year or so ago I came across something like this... but of course didn't fav it or anything. A friend uses MogIt and when I described this to her, she said she didn't think MogIt performs this sort of function ("I have one piece of gear, I want to find a ) does it belong to a set, b ) what does the set look like?").

Also, if someone is inclined to make #2 happen but doesn't have an easy way to scrape WH for the set-ID+item-IDs, and that sort of stuff needs to be copy-pasta'd into a table or something, I am willing to copy-pasta all day long... I am just lua-stupid and can't do any of this sort of stuff myself. So, if you've made it through my wall of text, give yourself an internet cookie, and if you know of an addon I can't come up with the right search term to find, please let me know, and if you want to make one of these, awesome yay you're the best, and if I can help within my lua-stupidity confines, please let me know! Thanks so much : D.
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