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03-27-06, 08:06 PM   #2
Credendo Vides
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7,134
Movement API Changes
The following methods have been protected, so they can only be called from signed (i.e. blizzard) code:
* CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart()
* CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop()
* MoveBackwardStart()
* MoveBackwardStop()
* MoveForwardStart()
* MoveForwardStop()
* StrafeLeftStart()
* StrafeLeftStop()
* StrafeRightStart()
* StrafeRightStop()
* TurnLeftStart()
* TurnLeftStop()
* TurnOrActionStart()
* TurnOrActionStop()
* TurnRightStart()
* TurnRightStop()

Frame API Changes
* NEW - font - CreateFont ("name") - Create a new Font object.
* NEW - frame = CreateFrame("type"[,"name"][,parent]) - Create a new Frame.
* NEW - nextFrame = EnumerateFrames([curFrame]) - Function to iterate over all Frames (call with nil arg for first frame)
* NEW - count = GetNumFrames() - Returns the number of existing frames.

Taxi API Changes
* NEW - numHops = GetNumRoutes(index) - Returns the number of hops from current location to the specified taxi node.
* NEW - x =TaxiGetDestX(nodeIndex,hopIndex) - Returns x position of route destination (0-1).
* NEW - y =TaxiGetDestY(nodeIndex,hopIndex) - Returns y position of route destination (0-1).
* NEW - x =TaxiGetSrcX(nodeIndex,hopIndex) - Returns x position of route source (0-1)
* NEW - y =TaxiGetSrcY(nodeIndex,hopIndex) - Returns y position of route source (0-1).
* NEW - TaxiNodeSetCurrent(index) - Set currently highlighted destination node.

Faction API Changes
* NEW - index = GetSelectedFaction() - Returns the currently selected faction from the faction UI.
* NEW - name, index, min, max, current = GetWatchedFactionInfo() - Returns the selected faction (For display as XP bar)
* NEW - IsFactionInactive(index) - Returns whether faction is marked as inactive.
* NEW - SetFactionActive(index) - Set a faction to active.
* NEW - SetFactionInactive(index) - Set a faction to inactive.
* NEW - SetSelectedFaction(index) - Set the currently selected faction.
* NEW - SetWatchedFactionIndex(index) - Set the currently watched faction (index == 0 to cancel).

Mouselook Support
* NEW - isLooking = IsMouselooking() - Return whether mouselook is active.
* NEW - MouselookStart() - Start using mouselook.
* NEW -MouselookStop() - Stop using mouselook.

Other API Enhancements
* UPDATED - CastSpellByName (name [, onSelf]) - Now has onSelf parameter
* NEW - version, build, buildDate = GetBuildInfo() - NEW function to return current WoW client build.
* UPDATED - rate1,rate2,... = GetRefreshRates() - No longer requires a parameter.
* NEW - function. err = loadstring("functionBody") - Lua API loadstring function.
* NEW - errfunc = geterrorhandler() - Return the current Lua error handler.
* NEW - seterrorhandler(errfunc) - Set the current Lua error handler (Function takes one 'message' argument).

REMOVED Functions
* REMOVED SplitMoney("value")

Undocumented API Changes
* NEW - GetMinigameState() - Seems to return multiple values related to current minigame.
* NEW - hasRelic = UnitHasRelicSlot("unit") - Return whether the specified unit has a relic inventory slot.

Last Updated - 2006-03-25 4:40pm (PST)
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