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07-17-14, 09:25 PM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 126
Tired of trolls...

I am looking for some help for modifying a small bit of code I found on MMO-Champions

It was originally for announcing who lusted. Well I figure I could also use this to announce who is also being a jack ass and trolling in the raid. I have found the amount of trolling in LFR these days to excessive and annoying.

I have this code so far

-- This file is loaded from "NoTroll.toc"

local spellIds = {
[2825] = "Bloodlust",
[32182] = "Heroism",
[80353] = "Time Warp",
[13159] = "Aspect of Fail",
[41450] = "Blessing of Piss me off",
[73325] = "Leap of Fail",
[34477] = "MD",
[20736] = "Distracting Shot",
[62124] = "Reckoning * paladin",
[56222] = "Dark Command",
[49576] = "Death Grip",
[2649] = "Generic hunter growl",
[39270] = "main target growl",
[103128] = "suffering",

local f = CreateFrame("Frame");
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) self[event](self, ...); end);

f.COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = function(self, _, logEvent, _, _, sourceLogName, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellId, spellName)
if ( logEvent == "SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS" and spellIds[spellId] ~= nil ) then
print(sourceLogName, "used", spellName);
I am looking to do a little bit more with it though. I would like it to have toggles with a GUI and simple check boxes that allow it to announce to raid chat or none for each item listed.

I would also like it to announce when the boss is pulled and by who. I know there is an addon called WhoPulled but I wasnt exactly looking to steal work. I would just like it it announce with a yell %t PULLED!!!
My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed; I never knew they worked...

Last edited by morpheusxeno : 07-18-14 at 08:14 AM.
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