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05-21-09, 12:40 PM   #2
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 25
Originally Posted by Lery View Post
Just a minor annoyance. When my shot, for example Arcane Shot, is ready after being fired, the Arcane Shot notification displays directly over the spells on cooldown icons.

Also, when I trap something with say, frost trap, it displays all the traps as being on cooldown instead of just one. I understand all of the traps are on cooldown, but I do not think it is necessary to show them all in the spell cooldown section.
you have to change your hud layout files,
- go to AddOns>nui>Layouts>default>HUDLayouts
- see there are hud layout types , enter the one you are using
- nUI_[yourlayout] open this file
- find the block where say -> "message ="
- you will see a "yOfs=" value there change that , if u want the message further down put there something like -100, if u want to message upper just change it to 100.

note: careful about that you change the yOfs value under the line
" message = " .