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11-27-09, 06:30 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 3
oUF_viv Buffs/ToT Questions

Back again after a bit more fiddling with Lua editors. I'm still inexperienced when it comes to coding of any kind, but I've been able to tinker my way through most of my UI. Still, after 6 or 7 hours of messing with oUF_viv, there are a couple things I have yet to figure out.

Here's what I would like some help with, if possible, please:

1) Buff/Debuff icon movement. I've scaled them, but I cannot figure out how to move them. I'm not sure if the means are already there, or if I'd need to write them in myself. (I also need a way to move the buff/debuff background texture as well). I messed with the coordinates in every way I could think of.

local function auraIcon(self, icon, icons, index, debuff)
		icons.showDebuffType = true -- show debuff border type color = true = true
		icons.disableCooldown = true	
		icon.count:SetFont(font, fontS-14, fontF)
		icon.count:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", icon, 4, 22)
		icon.time = icon:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
		icon.time:SetFont(font, fontS-13, fontF)
		icon.time:SetPoint('TOP', icon, 'BOTTOM', 0, 8)
		icon.time:SetVertexColor(trdcolor[1], trdcolor[2], trdcolor[3])
		icon.icon:SetTexCoord(.07, .93, .07, .93)
		icon.icon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", icon, "TOPLEFT", 2, -2)
		icon.icon:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", icon, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2)
		icon.overlay.Hide = function(self) self:SetVertexColor(trdcolor[1], trdcolor[2], trdcolor[3]) end
		--icon.overlay.Hide = function(self) self:SetVertexColor(maincolor[1],maincolor[2],maincolor[3]) end		

2) I know it is probably some stupid error made on behalf of my failure at Lua, but I can't find a Text Orientation command. It took me ages to figure out how to get a Target of Target frame center-screen with the name in the middle, only to see that most of the targets' names fall off to the right of the frame.

I can already tell I'm going to have questions later about target buffs/debuffs, seperate-color raid frames, etc. but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

UI for reference:

Thank you so much!
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