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06-18-13, 01:10 PM   #118
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 114
I will create two color schemes, one light and one dark. And for each scheme i will add the proper syntax highlighting aswell as some snippets which can help you create, change or do what ever you like with your scheme. I have some colors i find beautyful and useful, while some people might think otherwise.

The reason for why i have to create completely new themes is because there are some default values to define the "behaviour and look" of a function - e.g: constant.numeric.lua

but since this "WoW Development"(as i think i might name it) package needs some special "keys" i don't think that the already given keys to sublime text would be for proper use. But lets see i might be wrong.

I'd like to apologize for saying that my package would be ready today, but i decided to complete it all(syntax highlighting, all completions, and what not) before i release it. This way i can also add it to github so that it can be accessed from the command pallette. This allows me to quick update and keep track of bug reports, syntax failures or misspells.

I really am done soon - give me a few more days guys!
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