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12-17-08, 08:02 PM   #2037
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Lemn --
Originally Posted by Lemn View Post
Hello Scott,

First let me say I read your known issues . I understand you do not have dashboard support for the new vehicle type quests. What exactly does this mean? I notice that sometimes I get the blizzard vehicle bar, other times I get new boxes right next to my presence ones for DKs, and other times it is not there at all and I have to either fail the quest or try reloading via nui. By unsupported do you mean that it is currently unpredictable or that the default blizzard vehicle thing should always work? BTW, I am a DK and I think it might get wonky when I have my ghoul up and I enter a vehicle. It appears that sets off some of the issues...perhaps testing with a pet class when you do your support for this .
Technically, the version of nUI you have right now is doing *nothing* with the vehicle frames. Bliz is deciding whether or not to show the frame and which action buttons go where. So, by unsupported what I mean is that nUI is not managing the vehcle frame at all. Whatever happens is independant of nUI.

Generally, the entire vehicle system is pretty buggy and people are experiencing some of what you're describing with no mods at all. It's part of the reason why I don't have nUI support in place yet... (a) it's hard to tell what's broken because I broke it and what's broken because Bliz broke it and (b) if I am not dinking with the vehicle frames at all, then I can't be blamed for them not working ~grin~

I am continuing to test on my end, but know that there is no vehicle frame code in the released versions of nUI, so there is no intereference from me in what you're are and are not seeing at present.

I asked you via a mail once if you will support moving the unit/party frames and minimap over a bit (the size of the vertical button bar) so I can use your nui movers to have more buttons to one side of the screen. You said that would be a might bit difficult to do. I was wondering if you are not thinking of doing this yourself in the future which files I need to look at to try this on my own and which editors you recommend I use to do it with. I took some courses in programming a while back so it wont be impossible...just extremely difficult.
I will be offering alternate layouts and as I tell others, you are always welcome to copy the skin files and modify them yourself... if you come up with a layout you like, you can always upload it to the nUI option addons tab so others can use it, too.

Another thing I noticed is that my racial heroic presence (draeni) will show twice sometimes. Once to the far left and in the regular place to the right of that. Is that a bug or is it supposed to be there?
Far left of what?

If you mean on the very left edge of the screen, do you have a pet? If so, the auras at the far left are the auras on your pet and odds are that's what you're seeing. If it's somewhere other than that, I would appreciate it if you would post a screencap of it so I can see what you're talking about.

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