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05-18-09, 07:19 PM   #2
A Cyclonian
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 40
I had to make a few tweaks to mine to make it all fit. Here are my files.

-- default button bar configurations

nUI_DefaultConfig.ButtonBars =
	["nUI_ActionBar"] =
		btn_size = 48,
		gap      = 2,
		anchor   = "BOTTOM",
		xOfs     = 0,
		yOfs     = 122,
		rows     = 3,
		cols     = 5,
		page     = 1,
		nuibind  = "nUI_ACTIONBAR",
		binding  = "ACTIONBUTTON",
		label    = nUI_L["nUI_ActionBar"],

	-- the Bliz "bottom left" bar

	["nUI_TopLeftBar"] =
		btn_size = 50,
		gap      = 2,
		anchor   = "TOPLEFT",
		yOfs     = 117,
		xOfs     = 0,
		rows     = 1,
		cols     = 12,
		page     = 6,
		nuibind  = "nUI_TOPLEFTBAR",
		label    = nUI_L["nUI_TopLeftBar"],
	-- the Bliz "bottom right" bar

	["nUI_TopRightBar"] =
		btn_size = 50,
		gap      = 2,
		anchor   = "TOPRIGHT",
		yOfs     = 117,
		xOfs     = 0,
		rows     = 1,
		cols     = 12,
		page     = 5,
		nuibind  = "nUI_TOPRIGHTBAR",
		label    = nUI_L["nUI_TopRightBar"],

And moving the Class/Pet/Stance Bar to the side.
-- pet bar, stance bar, shapeshift bar, aura bar, possession bar

nUI_DefaultConfig.SpecialBars =
	enabled = true;
	anchor =
		anchor_pt   = "BOTTOM",
		relative_to = "nUI_Dashboard",
		relative_pt = "CENTER",
		xOfs        = -350,
		yOfs        = 125,
	options =
		enabled   = true,
		strata    = nil,
		level     = 2,
		btn_size  = 36,
		block_gap = 10,
		btn_gap   = 1,
		inset     = 3,
		border =
			backdrop =
				bgFile   = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_BevelboxBg.blp", 
				edgeFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_BevelboxBorder.blp", 
				tile     = true, 
				tileSize = 1, 
				edgeSize = 12, 
				insets   = {left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0},
			border_color = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1 },
			backdrop_color = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.35 },
Comes out as this for solo play:
Also shown G15 Keys, and Carbonite running.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	WoWScrnShot_051809_201211.jpg
Views:	1334
Size:	148.9 KB
ID:	2667  
The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf.