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10-06-08, 12:16 PM   #52
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by Seerah View Post
You always have the time for auras on yourself and your pet(?). It's when the auras are on other units that you only get the time for ones you cast. That's how the API works. And EBB does work for target, but if it's something you didn't cast, it won't have a time for it.
My confusion stemmed from the that I'd only be able to query the duration on the auras on myself that I cast.

I was looking through the aura.lua code, saw only references to UnitBuff() and the like. Those functions only return durations on stuff cast by the player, so I thought that was the limitation. Getting information in a general way seems like the best method of doing things, so I didn't even think to search for a player specific version of those functions. GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft() is the ticket. Lesson learned. Thanks for the help!