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11-05-08, 07:31 AM   #207
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 18
I noticed some odd behavior for targettarget/focustarget/partytarget frames. The health number value only seems to be updated when the frame is first shown/selected. The status bar updates, just not the number.

I'm using tags, so that could be a factor. Although, I've used the same tags in the normal player and target frames and they work and update fine.

Is there some limitation to the tag system here? Should I just wait for the new one on the horizon?

(Edit) The example I'm triggering with:
oUF.Tags['[percenthp]'] = function(u)
  local l, h = UnitHealth(u), UnitHealthMax(u)
  if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(u) then
    return oUF.Tags['[dead]'](u)
    return string.format('%d%%', math.floor(l/h*100+0.5))
oUF.TagEvents['[percenthp]'] = 'UNIT_HEALTH UNIT_MAXHEALTH'


self.Health.value = SetFontString(self.Health, 14, '')
self.Health.value:SetPoint('RIGHT', -5, 0)
local health = self.Health.value
table.insert(self.TaggedStrings, health)

Last edited by Kellen : 11-05-08 at 07:36 AM.