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01-22-13, 09:36 PM   #17
A Black Drake
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 89
Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
That's the problem, though. You're basically handing people a random lug nut and asking them why your car makes funny noises when you drive up a hill. Do you do that to your mechanic, too, because you're afraid he might scold you about not getting an oil change in the last 10 years?

Also, my remarks were mainly directed at Barjack and his ridiculous and completely nonsensical rants.
And my remarks were mainly directed at your willingness to make stupid, sweeping generalizations and criticize code you haven't even seen.

You still haven't answered any of my questions, either. You're willing to attack a person for having the same function being called 20 times a second (a function you haven't even seen) but you're not very willing to actually engage in a defence of your position.

I've given you examples of extremely basic situations with very few frames doing very few things (general buff frames that want to update their timers every 1 second, debuff trackers that want to update frames every 0.1 to 0.25 seconds). Now I want you to tell me why those types of situations are examples of code gone "horribly wrong".

Tell me how I can update two debuff trackers' timer bars every 0.1 seconds without calling the same function 20 times a second. And then tell me why your solution (in which you call the same function a mere 10 times a second) demonstrates its indomitable superiority.
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