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08-01-13, 01:24 AM   #33
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 25
+1 here, got my 2nd account back up to get my lock out of the graveyard.

well, the imp is detected, but as a separate damage dealer. when checking the source of damage taken by mob X you get the player + the imp. where the total of both equals what another meter/wol shows.

i am going to retest in a quiet zone as suggested to make sure 100% that it's not firing up on the print. i'll get the proc imp out and only have him.

Looking at your screenshot, i can see that COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED has 14 arguments.

around line 2636 there is the parser function :

local function _LogParser(timeStamp, subEvent, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlag, sourceRaidFlag, targetGUID, targetName, targetFlag, targetRaidFlag, ...)
- checking about this, i'm actually wondering, by reading the wowapi web site, it's listed this way :

timestamp 	event 	hideCaster 	sourceGUID 	sourceName 	sourceFlags 	sourceRaidFlags 	destGUID 	destName 	destFlags 	destRaidFlags 	spellId 	spellName 	spellSchool 	missType 	isOffHand 	amountMissed
can that actually be the "start" of an issue. as it seem the arguments have been moved around (why can we actually use sourceFlag instead of sourceFlags ?)

with also these :

local arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12 = ...
and well actually starting from that up to line 2934 or so.

there is also around line 2925 the "Fire Elemental Totem" that forces a check of it's sourceGUID and add it to the owner, could be that it's needed for the Imps too. (but seems unlikely as the way this totem works is different afaik)

Last edited by zbugrkx : 08-01-13 at 02:23 AM.
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