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10-24-05, 01:32 AM   #2
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 21
SciTE has an in-built LUA interpreter that can detect outright syntax errors in the code. However, it cannot detect problems with indexing tables, or others which only happen in run-time behaviour (loading in-game variables or using API functions incorrectly)

However, to redeem the issue with the error text not wrapping, here is a small script command that can be executed inside World of Warcraft by typing it to the edit box's prompt. To open the prompt, press Enter inside the game, just like you were chatting with someone.

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( tostring(ScriptErrors_Message:GetText()) );

What this script does is it reads the currently open error message (the dialog box with no text wrapping) and pastes it it's whole contents to your chat frame. You can then read the whole error message and act upon it accordingly.

EDIT: You can paint the script text with mouse, then use copy-paste to move the script as is into the edit box. Yes, copy & paste DO work inside World of Warcraft. Make use of this feature.
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