Thread: nUI - Nice
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12-13-09, 03:58 AM   #1
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 21
nUI - Nice

My preliminary impression of this addon is Awesome.

I gave up the best, most flexible bar mod out there, Macaroon, which was hard.

I also gave up Autobar after years. I'm not sure I can keep autobar away on low level tunes, but Questhelper helps you find quest items these days, and with Arkinventory soring, I can fine the ones Questhelper doesn't.

As a Druid healer that HAS to click heal (no keys at all), I use the Helium Addon for healing rather than Healbot which would limit me to 3 of the 7 healing spells available to me. Healium provides its own unit frame, so there is some redundancy having unit frames in nUI and from Helium. Despite this I stlll feel I've gotten lots of space back. Especually by allowing me to hide 2 of my four chat/combat windows by a simple click of a nUI button.

I'm not sure if I still need oRA2 or CTRA.

I think the biggest way I got screen real estate back was being able to consolidate two of the four chat/combat log windows by using the Guild and Chat addons for nUI. I use PRAT and nUI seems to be working well with it so far. The only challenge here is that if I've got my recount/omen panel up, I will lose the ability to view anything except my group chat window which is what I reconfigured the left window for. Sometimes it is nice to be able to read guild chat when you are not busy in a dungeon, but I think losing that is worth it to get some screen back. I sort of wish I could have the guild chat come up automatically out of combat and then go bat to the Omen recount windows in combat.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks, this UI looks and feals good.
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