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07-03-09, 05:25 PM   #5
A Theradrim Guardian
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 61
oops, that fish got away.

I may have put the code in the wrong place. I do not get an errorr, but I am unable to change the frame from a simple box. In the lua code I have

if (UnitName("target") == nil) then
ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:SetAttribute('itemTexture' , 'select(10,GetItemInfo(6265))')
numShards = GetItemCount("Soul Shard");

ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:SetBackdropColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
getglobal(ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:GetName().."_Text"):SetText( numShards .." / ".. maxShards );

I have tried to place the same command ('Item...) in the on load and it does not change either. My guess is that the XML file called "secure handler is over-riding the lua? In the xml I find

- <Frame name="ExecuteWarning_secureFrames" hidden="true" virtual="true" inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate" parent="UIParent">
- <Size>
<AbsDimension x="80" y="30" />
- <Backdrop bgFile="Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background" edgeFile="Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
- <BackgroundInsets>
<AbsInset left="4" right="4" top="4" bottom="4" />
- <TileSize>
<AbsValue val="16" />
- <EdgeSize>
<AbsValue val="16" />

As well as
- <Button name="ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame" hidden="true" inherits="ExecuteWarning_secureFrames" enableMouse="true" movable="true">