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03-13-09, 02:35 PM   #12
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
jadakren's Avatar
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 103
Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
With an oUF layout, I'd have to exit game, make whatever adjustments (edit the code or swap for a modified layout)... then I could log onto a class that I benefited from doing this. In order to not have that functionality for a class that has no use for it, I'd have to repeat the process...
Nothing stopping you from setting up a table like :
	buffs = {

	    ["Grace"] = {"1A7AAF","6AB8EC","ffffff"},

		["PoM"] = {"528EFF","43F3C6","45E836","8ADD2A","D0D21F","C69F15"},
		["Lifebloom"] = {"A7FD0A","6AB8EC","ffffff"},

	fonts = {
		["DEFAULT"] = {
			offsets = {x = 0, y = 0},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "CENTER",
		["TOPLEFT"] = {
			offsets = {x = 0, y = 3},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "LEFT",
		["TOP"] = {
			offsets = {x = 0, y = 3},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "CENTER",
		["TOPRIGHT"] = {
			offsets = {x = 3, y = 3},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "RIGHT",
		["LEFT"] = {
			offsets = {x = 0, y = 0},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "LEFT",
		["CENTER"] = {
			offsets = {x = 0, y = 0},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "CENTER",
		["RIGHT"] = {
			offsets = {x = 3, y = 0},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "RIGHT",
		["BOTTOMLEFT"] = {
			offsets = {x = 0, y = -3},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "LEFT",
		["BOTTOM"] = {
			offsets = {x = 0, y = -3},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "CENTER",
			offsets = {x = 3, y = -3},
			size = 8.5,
			name = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_Tags\\media\\visitor.ttf",
			outline = "OUTLINE",
			alignH = "RIGHT",
	class = {

			["TOP"] = "",

			["TOPLEFT"] = "[tree]",

			["TOPRIGHT"] = "[gotw]",

			["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "[lb]",

			["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "[rejuv][regrow][flour]"


		DRUID = {
			["TOP"] = "",

			["TOPLEFT"] = "[tree]",

			["TOPRIGHT"] = "[gotw]",

			["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "[lb]",

			["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "[rejuv][regrow][flour]"


		PRIEST = {
			["TOP"] = "[painsupress][powerinfusion][guardspirit][twilighttorment]",

			["TOPLEFT"] = "[pws][ws][aegis]",

			["TOPRIGHT"] = "[spirit][shad][fort][fear]",

			["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "[inspiration][grace][pom]",

			["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "[rnw][gotn][rejuv][regrow][flour]"


			["TOP"] = "",

			["TOPLEFT"] = "",

			["TOPRIGHT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = ""


		SHAMAN = {
			["TOP"] = "",

			["TOPLEFT"] = "",

			["TOPRIGHT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = ""


			["TOP"] = "",

			["TOPLEFT"] = "",

			["TOPRIGHT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = ""


		MAGE = {
			["TOP"] = "",

			["TOPLEFT"] = "",

			["TOPRIGHT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = ""


		ROGUE = {
			["TOP"] = "",

			["TOPLEFT"] = "",

			["TOPRIGHT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "",

			["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = ""




Since haste implemented that tag feature, i have this table setup in a seperate module for my layouts.

For example, the tag in their for my priest : '[painsupress]'

is eventually thrown into a fontstring when the frame is built .
function createIndicatorGroup(object,anchor,objectAnchor,fontDB, tags)
    group = objectAnchor:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
    group:SetFont(, fontDB.size, fontDB.outline)
    group:SetPoint(anchor, objectAnchor, anchor, fontDB.offsets.x, fontDB.offsets.y)
    return group

function generateAuraGroups(object)
    if not object.AuraIndicator then return end
    object.FontObjects = object.FontObjects or {}
    for index,tags in pairs(oUF.indicators.class[playerClass])do
        local auraGroup = createIndicatorGroup(object, index, object.Health, oUF.indicators.fonts[index], tags)
        object.FontObjects[index] = {
        	name = "Aura Indicator Group : ".. index,
        	object = auraGroup
for index, object in ipairs(oUF.objects) do  generateAuraGroups(object) end

it tells the ouf core to run this function when the 'UNIT_AURA' event occurs on the unitframe.

oUF.Tags["[painsupress]"] = function(u) if not NeedsIndicators(u)then return end; return UnitAura(u, "Pain Suppression") and "|cff33FF33+|r" or "" end

oUF.TagEvents["[painsupress]"] = "UNIT_AURA"
Im working on ace3ConfigGui support for my singleton layout, next i do the same for my raid layout.
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