Thread: Autobar
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12-01-08, 10:52 AM   #7
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by Seerah View Post
Autobar's memory seems high because of the LibPeriodicTable library it uses to be aware of all possible items it can grab. If anything else in your UI uses the same libraries (Ace, as well), since Autobar starts with A, it generally loads earlier in the loading process. Thus, its copy of libraries will stay in memory and all other addons that need them will use the copies of the libs in Autobar's folder. This makes it look like Autobar uses way more memory than it actually does, especially if you have plenty of addons that use the same libs.

Besides, it is CPU usage, NOT memory, that makes the difference in an addon's performance. The only time you should be worried about memory is if you're running a low amount of RAM or run into issues with paging.

In short, if you like Autobar, keep Autobar. If you want something else... There isn't really any other one addon like Autobar.
Thanks Seerah. That explains a few things.
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