Thread: Shock and Awe
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01-11-10, 07:04 PM   #1
A Molten Giant
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 960
Shock and Awe

People kept telling me "you're an enchancement Shaman. You must use Shock and Awe! So I'm trying it out. Between that, and Totem Timers, and the built in nUI stuff, there's an awful lot going on around the hud area, much of which seems to be duplicative. I've currently got the big Shock and Awe window dragged off to the right side of the screen, and I keep revising my main bar to try to find the best way to accommodate the recommended spell progression, but I'm finding it hard to come up with a setup I like.

Any Enhancement Shamans out there have any suggestions on how to get the best out of the ui with these (or other, if you have a preference) addons? Maybe I should forget S and A and just use nUI and TT (I much prefer Totem Timers over the default Blizz totem interface, but it does duplicate a couple of nUI's features.
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