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03-11-09, 06:04 PM   #14
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 89
Scott: The dot timers on the hud are indeed nice. My problem is, during a regular 1 mob fight, it's fine, target dies before I need to reapply, except maybe haunt. In the heat of a boss fight, especially when there's adds involved, it can be difficult to look at my hud and know which ones I need to cast. They are also small, but that's another matter all together.

On a side note, I did find something that will play nice with nUI which kinda makes all this a moot point now. Between OmniCC for cooldowns, and DebuffCaster (located at Curse if anyone else is looking), I have back the fuctionality I craved =]

On a side note, I had tried nUI before, and wasn't satisfied, but when trying to reduce clutter, I came back for another look. I like what you've done, and donated, not realizing there was a pro/free version, and then I'm doing a 25 man VoA last night (woot for PVE *and* PVP lock pants dropping, and only 2 locks in the raid!) and I'm like wtf, there's only solo/group and 10man frames? Then before coming to post, realized that the pro version sitting in my email does the 15/20/25/40 man frames. So now I'm totally satisfied!
