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01-14-12, 05:24 PM   #28
A Cliff Giant
twizt3dkitty's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 46
I used the two macros used to enable and disable the blizzard frame, havnt run DS yet, may jump in LFR to see if it works, but here is what Im using

#showtooltip Heroic Will
/run local b=ExtraActionButton1 b:SetParent(UIParent) b:SetPoint("CENTER",0,-170) b:Show()
This Shows the Blizz Frame, note you may need to alter the 170 value to your preferences based on how your UI is setup. A lower value moves the bar higher, a greater value moves it lower.

#showtooltip Heroic Will
/run local b=ExtraActionButton1 b:SetParent(UIParent) b:SetPoint("CENTER",0,-170) b:Hide()
This will Hide the Blizz frame.

Keep in mind you need to hit this while OUT OF COMBAT. Im also not sure if the tooltip will show up or not.

*code borrowed and modified from Detritis *