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03-28-09, 06:28 PM   #2
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 39
It's possible as there is quite a bit of space left on the info panel, I've been pondering the idea of minimap/Omen/Recount.

This would move the minimap if you set someone to focus, to the Omen/Recount panel. then Omen and recount would toggle between each other based on combat.

When I start this Tuesday morning (hopfully) I'll add something to handle options like

A.) Disable focus event function so the minimap is always to the right
B.) Disable toggling of Omen and Recount and choose which one to always have.
C.) Option to have Omen and Recount side by side or have them based on
entering combat if the minimap isn't on the panel else it will revert to option B