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09-01-09, 05:08 PM   #4
A Frostmaul Preserver
todd0168's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 290
My only curiosity about this is that I use MobInfo, as I like the tooltips better and the information that is on there. In the past (pre 3.2 I think) I would not have the tooltip that is presently at the side of the screen like that. I would only have my MobInfo tooltip at the cursor for whatever I am hovering over. (my /nui tootip is set to owner). But ever since 3.2 (I think) suddenly I now have that other tooltip also. Might have happened in one of the 3.1.x patches but either way, it was not there before because it was being handled by MobInfo, but now it's in both places.

Any ideas why?