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08-24-09, 01:46 PM   #7
A Theradrim Guardian
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 61
Ok,, yes and no. Let's not get hung up on a bar vs speedometer. What has to be micromanaged for the best outcome in a boss fight?

What makes a warlock play different from a mage? I believe that this is the type of stuff that will become more pronounced. I have never played a mage. Let me hazard a guess. Lots of cooldowns. Locks have dots. Maintain the dots, but the cooldown on the spells is less important. If this is the case, watching the Debuffs is more important. It is possible to recast the dot (no cool down), and waste a GCD, mana and clip the dot. Now, if I am right about the mage, if the spell is on cool down, it can not be cast. If you click it, it is not triggered, but neither is the GCD triggered.

I can see something similar in resto druid. The player does not want to clip the hots. Great for trying to keep HP at an equilibrium. But, a few non-hots are going to be needed in case the tank gets crit on two successive attacks.
