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03-27-14, 02:19 PM   #6
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To implement my own flyout functionality I'll have to query and store the spells/spellids that a flyout (like the mage 'Portal') provides in when the player drags the flyout to my action button.

If the player then actually opens the flyout I'll have to set those spellids to all the pop out flyout buttons.

The only way to get the actual spellids of a flyout is GetFlyoutInfo()/GetFlyoutSlotInfo(). Which is unsecure and can't be directly called insided a secure snippet. I could call it via CallMethod() and unsecure code. But this will cause taint if I do this in combat.

So as far as I understand the whole thing is, that it is impossible to get the actual spell ids of a flyout in combat without tainting my frames.

Am I wrong?

I could pre-build a simple list of all flyout spells that are available to get around GetFlyoutInfo. Not smart but at least working.
Does anyone have an idea where to get a list of all available flyout spells?

[e2] Doh. Ok. New idea: I'll query all flyoutIDs up to ... whatever ... 1k and query and store all slots for flyoutIDs that exist on addon load. Then I'll pre-setup flyout action buttons for all of them on addon load. And in combat, if a player drags a flyout to an action button, I'll just have to move/show them. Don't know if this could work, but I'll try it tonight.
Also not smart, but could work.

Last edited by Duugu : 03-27-14 at 02:52 PM.
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