Thread: nui6 alpha
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06-04-10, 07:56 PM   #31
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 39
The tag just above the hellboar that says "Deranged Hellboar" is actually the tool tip, it just looks very weird It's also stuck at random places, but I've learned to live with it by now. I deactivate the alpha on my main toon, but keep it on for the rest of them for testing purposes, just wanted to give you a heads up about the tool tip

I can also confirm that performance so far is way better than nUI5, both outside and in dungeons. The new unitframes also look very good; very excited to see what you do about 25/40 frames. Oh, and there's no sorting of the raidframes going on, but I guess that's not implemented yet (it got broken in nUI5, so guess you'll need to find a new mechanic for it).

Keep up the good work, this is looking really promising