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08-24-09, 06:35 PM   #3
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 6
haha, yeah its a hard picture to illustrate. But thats not really what im going for. i'll try better this time.

I have my "minimap carb map" and when i push F10, it maximizes.

I have my "details at scale" set to 1.10 under the right click menu. This is so i can see the textures that are normally generated by the blizz minimap.

groovy, cause now i just have a "larger" minimap.

Now, when i maximize my carb map, obviously, it gets pretty big. The unfortunate part is if the zone is of a normal size, the minimap textures are drawn over this map. What i would like to see would be the regular maps.

:S I think what im asking for is if it is possible to implement two different "details at scale" settings for mini and maximized maps. Because the correct textures draw on my maximized map when the "details at scale" is set to 3.5 or higher i believe. and the others only draw at about 1.1 or so.

ok hopefully this time its clearer. In any case, thanks for the addon!