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06-17-09, 04:16 AM   #7
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Unfortunately, this is a quirk of the Pally battle system and how the action bar timers work. nUI figures out which action is active on the target by matching the name of the action to the name of the aura as I have yet to have found a workable way to do it without keeping a complicated spell database (which I do not ever intend to do because that's exactly the kind of thing that permanently breaks addons when Bliz makes majoy patches)

So... the problem is that your action button is "Seal of Light" but the aura is a judgment, not a seal... names don't match, so no timer.

Another example where this happens is protection warriors and their devastate spell which casts sunder on the target... names don't match, so the player does not get a timer for the sunder debuff.

This is something I want to find a fix for, but it has to be a programmatic solution, not database driven, before I'll implement it.

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