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08-01-09, 10:04 AM   #6
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5
I am also looking for the option to disable the constant achievement tracking, i.e. (To Hellfire and Back 10/90). Haavok mentioned back in April that the ability to turn off this feature was going to be added but I can't find an option to turn it off.

In the mean time I have disabled it by deleting the following lines from "Carbonite.lua":

local mId=Nx.Map:GCMI()
local a=Nx.Map.MWI[mId].QAI
if a then
local id,nam,_,don=GetAchievementInfo(a)
if alw or not don then
local _,_,don,cnt,nee=GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(a,1)
local col2=don and "|cff808080" or "|cff8080ff"
return format("%s%s %d/%d",col2,nam,cnt,nee)

Basically I removed the contents of the function "Nx.Que:GZA(alw)". So far I haven't noticed any errors being created but I can't guarantee that this will work for others. I really don't know what I'm doing here, I just wanted to get rid of the constant achievement tracking.

Thank you,

Last edited by Hiker : 08-01-09 at 03:38 PM.