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10-29-12, 11:58 AM   #1
Featured Artist
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 1,458
Final Decision on what's coming first

First off, an apology because I did run the poll asking, and I know quests won by a long shot... but hear me out

Every aspect of Carbonite needs an overhaul to make it easier to use.
Every aspect of Carbonite needs an overhaul to better support localization, and to remove byte code so it's easier to update / maintain.
Every aspect of Carbonite needs an overhaul to better support profiles, and configurations

Part of the quest overhaul is going to be breaking it apart (either by zone, or level range haven't decided yet) so it will use less memory if you don't need 80% of the quest data.

Because of the work involved in overhauling it, I really don't want to do the work twice, once to work with what is current, and once to work with the new modular map system.

TLDR, Maps will be done first.