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03-29-13, 09:00 AM   #2
Featured Artist
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 1,458
Yes, i'm the only one working on it for now. Not that I want it or require it that way, but in general carbonite has been shunned for 2 reasons,

1) it's a massive beast which was doing to much all at once, which my modularization in the alpha is trying to cut down

2) before it went opensource it was obfuscated which ment even if people had interest in working on it before, they couldn't... so interest wanned or people wrote there own alternatives.

3) large parts of it are still not easy to work with even with it being opensource. It's my hope that once I finish redoing parts of it like my current work on the quest database rewrite, people will show interest in helping out, The database alone is definately way out of date (the quests i'm using on my test char say there's 10 parts to it... but 5 of the parts no longer exist as an example.)